Tuesday, December 31, 2013

4 weeks Post-Op

4 weeks out means: Cleared for regular exercise (yay! Still taking it easy for the next couple of weeks, but slowly building back up), probably 1 more week wearing the binder, cleared to lift up to 30 pounds, and cleared for all normal activity. This is a big mile stone!

Overall I am feeling really good. I'm walking totally upright. I can now engage my abs without pain, sneezing seems to be the one exception still. My back is getting stronger and doesn't get tired as easily. I'm sleeping better. I was able to walk at 3.5 mph on my treadmill yesterday and felt just fine. I've been reorganizing my house and have pretty good stamina for all the bending and light lifting.

At my doctor's appointment last week, I had more swelling than they liked, so they poked me with a needle and tried to draw fluid out, they couldn't really get any, so they said it was building up in my tissue, so I was taught some massages to do, and told to wear my binder as tightly as I could stand. That has been a bit uncomfortable, but I think it is helping the swelling. I'm am down 3 inches over my abdomen from before surgery, and I'm sure those numbers will keep increasing as the swelling goes down.

My biggest complaint right now is I have 2 spots along my incision that are inflamed and very sore. I'm calling the doctor today to make sure this is ok. One side seems to be going down on its own just fine and is feeling a lot better, but yesterday the one of my left side was really swollen and sore and was weeping a little, I put a bandaid on it over night and it soaked the bandaid pretty good, and I noticed this morning that there is a small part that seems to have opened back up. I'm hoping the doctors office is open today so I can ask. It feels much better this morning with some of that pressure released, but the opening makes me nervous. Its small, but still! I'm wondering if they got inflamed from wearing the binder so tight and that rubbing on the incision, I don't really know. We'll see what the doctor says. I'll take it easy until I speak with the doctor. If only I didn't have to go grocery shopping today...:)

The sore on my left hip before it split. Ouchy.

Happy New Years Eve!

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