I'm feeling fantastic! I've got my diet under control, with the help of my trainer Stacey, the scale is moving again, I see things tightening up. I'm super happy with what I see in the mirror for the first time in my recent memory. Its a great feeling to be pushing myself hard and enjoying the fruits of that labor! I still have a bit of swelling, especially after a hard workout, but overall I'm so happy.
Today I did another Cycle class with Stacey. It was super hard. I was struggling physically and mentally. It was a class about hill climbing, something I desperately need to work on. I've always had a bit of a mental block when it comes to climbing. I used to carefully plan all of my cycling routes to avoid any big hills, which is hard to do in Utah! Last year I pushed myself to climb a little more, and I know I can handle more than I think I can, and I learned to enjoy some climbing, but last summer I did one really big hill. I was scared going in. I was scared all the way up. I got off my bike many times. I almost quit a bunch of times. I did eventually make it to the top, but I hated every minute of it and felt like a failure for struggling so much with it. And ever since then hills stress me out! I'm glad I have Stacey to push me in these classes, to teach me that I am stronger than I think, and that i'm putting in the work to be able to conquer whatever it is I want to conquer. I don't think I'll be going back to that hill anytime soon, but maybe someday I can conquer it for real. The picture below is my profile picture on Facebook right now. Its what I tell myself every day as I start my workout or think about my goals. And its true. I know it is. I am stronger today that yesterday and i'll be stronger yet tomorrow. One day at a time!