Thursday, October 18, 2012


So, how do I eat? Well, not perfectly, that is for sure! :) I'm positive I would be farther along in my journey if I could give up junk food cold turkey, but that ain't gonna happen! :) I know myself too well and I would go on a complete food binge if I didn't allow myself the food I love, so I just try and be smart about it. I also try to get all of the healthy food I need first, and then if I'm still hungry or need a little treat, I can have it! The best things I have done for my nutrition is add more fruit and veggies, often through green smoothies, tried to stay away from white bread products as much as possible, and I started drinking Shakeology. I am always skeptical of meal replacement shakes and the like. I tried a different kind that expecting me to replace two meals a day, and I felt like it was hard to get real food in, and my kids were always wondering why I only drank my meals. I felt like I wasn't being a good example to them of real healthy eating. Shakeology is different for me. Its a quick breakfast replacement when I'm in a hurry, or I drink it as a snack after my intense workouts. Its full of great ingredients. The company is meticulous about filling it with only healthy ingredients from all over the world. It has all of the nutrients you need, fruit and vegetable like crazy, antioxidants, super foods, all sorts of things I couldn't stand to eat on their own! :) It tastes good and it helps my energy and I know i'm getting lots of good stuff. I can tell my body loves it! It costs a pretty penny and for a while that kept me from trying it. But once I realized that healthy eating in general costs a lot of money and that I actually get more bang for my buck drinking it, I was sold. Also, I realized a few months ago that investing in my health is the best investment I can make, so we make room in our budget for what is important. Another thing that convinced me was watching this video:

I have a lot of genetics for health problem, cholesterol being a big one, and I want to stave that off as long as I can and I feel like Shakeology will help me do that! If you are interested in really turning your nutrition around, this is a fantastic place to start! I have some of my favorite recipes if you want help knowing how to make it! My favorite flavor is Chocolate Vegan. :)

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