Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Mind-Body disconnect

Sometimes I realize that my mind takes a lot longer to catch up then my body. I honestly have to look at the tags on my clothes every morning to tell myself that I am a size 6, not a size 14 like my mind tells me I am!

My whole adult life my goal has been to be a size 6, I haven't been that size since early high school. When I finally got there, I was super excited! But I was also confused because I didn't feel like my body was where I wanted it to be like I expected. I couldn't even comprehend that maybe I could actually be smaller than a 6! But I can! I still have plenty of weight and inches to lose. I can set my goals higher!!

Also, I remember a day in January when a trainer handed me a 12 pound weight for squats and overhead tricep presses and I thought she was nuts! This morning I did bicep curls with 12.5 pounds in each hand, overhead tricep press with 22.5 pounds and I did squats and lunges with 25-30 pounds in each hand!
Why do I not see my own progress? Our mind is a tricky thing! So my challenge to you (and me!) is to focus on how far you have come, not how far you have left to go. I am a totally different person than I was 20 pounds ago and I am grateful for that!

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