Wednesday, November 28, 2012


When people think of a weight loss journey, obviously they think about the numbers on a scale. I always did, and still often do. But today I want to talk about the other ways you can notice changes that are even more important! I learned from a great coach that when you are training your body correctly, often you will not lose weight quickly, but you will see dramatic changes in the shape and size of your body. We all know that muscles weighs more than fat. We also know that muscle is much more compact than fat! So if you are eating well and training your body in a way that creates muscle, you will slim down. Even if the number on the scale doesn't change! Its still a process and you have to learn how your body works, how much food and exercise it needs, but its true!

I often focus on the fact that the scale hasn't moved much for me recently. HOWEVER, even though I still weigh more than I did when I got married, and I still weigh more than I did after I lost my weight after baby #2, I am a clothes size smaller (if not 2 sizes) than I have ever been in my adult life! I have lost a lot of inches in the last year, I wish I had kept better track, but I know I have lost more inches than I have lost pounds. That is because I HAVE MUSCLE! I don't waste away my time on a treadmill or elliptical. Although I do love cardio and I do a LOT of it when I'm training for Triathlons and other races, I've learned that steady state cardio does not change my body. I need more! So when I do cardio, I try to add intervals, change up my heart rate so my body doesn't get bored. I also make sure that I eat enough so that my body doesn't want to use my muscle as a source of energy. YOU CANNOT DIET YOURSELF FIT! You have to eat enough food, and food from the right sources for your body to maintain muscle!

So, what I'm trying to say is, don't focus on the scale! Weigh in once a week if you must, but don't let the number on the scale make or ruin your day. More importantly, take measurements and pictures. I take my measurements and pictures once a month. Its a great motivator and its nice to see everything shrink and tighten.

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