Saturday, November 3, 2012

Trying something new...

Since eating has been my struggle lately, especially since its Halloween week and i've been eating a ton of junk food, I am trying to help my body recognize how it feels when I eat junk compared to how it feels when I eat healthy! Today I started a junk food journal. Every time I eat junk, i'm going to write down what I ate and how it makes me feel. I've eaten NOTHING healthy today, seriously, and I feel like crapola! So now when I'm feeling tempted I can look at my journal and make an informed decision about whether that junk is worth it to me! Will I eat treats? Of course, but will it help me do it in more moderation? I hope so!

Also, in the book I talked about a few posts ago, he recommends that if something is very tempting to you, you can visualize something very disgusting happening when you eat it. I'm trying to work on that too, its hard though! I love my junk too much. ;) But I want a healthy body more!!! This will be a gigantic challenge for me, but I know this is true:

I'm here for positive change. That is my goal. So I must challenge myself! 

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