Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Little Stronger Every Day

Week 7 Day 2/3- 5:00 Warm-up, 25:00 Jog, 5:00 Cool-down

Monday we ran day 2, we did it separately on the treadmill because it was cold outside and Ryan had a cold (I have it now) and we didn't think running in the cold was a good idea for us. The treadmill was a bit miserable, but we both conquered it.

I planned an easier route for today, Day 3. Usually our route is a loop that has a little downhill, a little uphill, and a little flat. I planned a mostly downhill course today, nothing too crazy, just a slight downhill for most of the way. I felt like we had earned an easier run to celebrate finishing week 7! We felt pretty good and strong, even with the head colds. We ran 2.35 miles in the 25 minutes, we are still certainly not fast, but it was a faster average than usual for us. This Saturday is our 5k. A week early for the Couch to 5k schedule, but I think it will go pretty well. Its a flat course. We have been trying to decide how we want to attack it. I kinda want to try to run the whole thing, but we've also talked about walk/jogging the first half mile and then running the rest, since that should put us close to the 28 minute run that would be next on our Couch to 5k agenda. We'll see how the day goes. I'm excited that I feel mostly ready for it. My goal is to get to being able to run a slow 5k, and then work on my speed. I've signed up for a couple virtual races and will reward myself with the medals as I hit new PR's for pace on my 5k distance. Then, I will work on building mileage for a 10k in January if I'm still feeling healthy. My legs did great today, thanks to the Graston, ART, and acupuncture I've been doing with Dr. Tom. Yay for progress! Yay for a little more endurace! Yay for just a tad more speed. I will take it!

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