Friday, October 24, 2014

Still Running!

Week 6 Day 2- Run 10:00 Walk 3:00 Run 10:00
Week 6 Day 3- Run 22:00
Week 7 Day 1- Run 25:00

Week 6, Day 2 went well,  10 minute chunks feel much more doable now, which is awesome! This was the final day of couch to 5k that allows walk breaks! Crazy that we have gotten this far.

Week 6, Day 3 was a challenging. We tried a different route than usual, thinking it would be easier for a sustained jog, but I think it was a bad idea. I really struggled. I ended up taking a short walk break twice, which was frustrating to me. My achilles were really tight and sore and I was a little mad when the run was over. But, right after the run I had an appointment with Dr. Tom my sports medicine doctor. I told him where the pain was, and he did his usual magic and then suggested trying acupuncture on my achilles. I have had acupuncture before and handled it fine, so I thought it was worth a shot. It hurt a lot more than the previous acupuncture, it wasn't the placing of the needle that hurt, but once he started prodding around at the knots in my calves it was pretty painful. Once he finished it was sore and got progressively more sore over the next few hours, I was pretty sure he maimed me! Luckily he had warned me it would be like that, so I trusted him.  Ryan and I decided to repeat Day 3 on our next run, and the difference was night and day! I felt amazing. My achilles didn't hurt at all. The were a little tight during the run still, but there was no screaming, especially when I stopped to walk at the end for the cool down, no screaming! It was a miracle. We ran 2 miles without stopping!

Today we did Week 7, Day1, we ran for 25 minutes, 2.25 miles! I was so excited. I still felt really good. We average about 11:00 minute miles, not fast, but we can sustain it which is amazing. My achilles felt pretty good still today, my IT band was a bit tight today, but I'm staying on top of it. I'm finally feeling like this might actually be a real possibility for me. I might be able to keep running!

I had my gait analyzed again and found some more tweaks to make, but overall i'm feeling great and happy!

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