Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 5: Day 1

Couch to 10k Week 5

Day 1- 5:00 warm-up, 5:00 run, 3:00 walk, 5:00 run, 3:00 walk, 5:00 run, 5:00 cool-down.
Ryan and I dropped the kids off at school and headed to the park for our run. It was a little chilly starting out, but it was actually quite perfect once we got moving. I felt like my cardio system was in great shape during the runs. My legs were less happy today. My ankle and shins always complain a little when I first start running, but they work themselves out once I get into a rhythm. My achilles did pretty good until near the end of the second run. But it wasn't ever terrible, a little more achey on my right than my left. It does tend to scream at me a bit when I switch from running to walking, but I can walk through it. The arch near my heal of my left foot was a little cranky today, I need to figure out what's up with that.  And then during the last run I could feel an inkling of pain in my IT band. NOT COOL. It never got painful, I could just feel the tightness from my hip to my knee that I am all too familiar with. I will repeat day 1 before moving up to day 2 (it has longer run segments), and I think I will visit my IT band doctor from last year and have him help me stretch that out and get his advice on the feet and achilles. Gotta stay healthy!!!! I really want this.

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